You and your customers can receive email notifications about new orders, payment status updates, and other useful information.
Set Up Email Notifications
To adjust your email notification preferences, go to the Store Menu, click Settings, and then click Mail. You have the following options:
- Enable/disable the notifications of certain types.
- Upload your logo to be displayed in notifications.
Admin Notifications
- New Order Placed. Sent to admin when a new order is placed. This email contains information about order items, shipping, and billing details.
- Low Stock Notification. This message is automatically sent when a product in your StoreFront has reached a low stock limit.
Edit Notifications
You can edit the layout and content of email notifications using the HTML template. There is a lot of data (for example, order total, customer's name, and so one) that can be added to the template with the help of variables. For a full list of variables, see Edit Email Notifications Templates.
Email Notifications Translation
Mail notification templates are translated to: English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish,Finnish, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Czech.
When you create a new StoreFront account, the notification templates are automatically translated to the language of your Store Menu. In case there is no mail notification translation to this particular language yet, the notification templates will be translated to English by default.
Change the Mail Notifications Language
To change the mail notifications language, you need to change the language of your StoreFront backend.
- Go to the Store Menu, click Settings, and then click General.
- Click the Regional Settings tab, and click Language Settings to change the default language.
- In the left panel, click Mail.
- Click Edit next to a specific notification.
- Click the Revert to default link at the bottom of the page.
- Save changes.
- Repeat this action for each notification template.
Translate Mail Notifications to a New Language
The notification template contains static text information and variables. If you want to translate the notification template to your language, you can change the text manually:
- Go to the Store Menu, click Settings, and then click Mail.
- Click Edit next to a specific notification.
- The notification template in HTML format opens for editing.
- Alter the text in black to what you need and save changes.
Mail Notification Variables and Order Statuses Translation
As for variables and order statuses, they are loaded from StoreFront servers. They are sent in the language your customer views the StoreFront in, if this language is enabled in your store.
To translate order statuses locally in your store:
- Go to the Store Menu, click Settings, and then click Mail.
- Click Edit next to a specific notification.
- The notification template in HTML format opens for editing.
- Find the following variables:
- order payment statuses.
- order fulfillment statuses.
- order payment statuses.
- Replace them with the following translation code:
- order payment statuses.
<#if order.paymentStatus = 'Paid'> Pago
<#elseif order.paymentStatus = 'Awaiting Payment'> Aguardando Pagamento
<#elseif order.paymentStatus = 'Cancelled'> Cancelado
<#elseif order.paymentStatus = 'Refunded'> Reembolsado
</#if> - order fulfillment statuses.
<#if order.fulfillmentStatus = 'Processing'> Processando
<#elseif order.fulfillmentStatus = 'Awaiting processing'> Aguardando Processamento
<#elseif order.fulfillmentStatus = 'Shipped'> Enviado
<#elseif order.fulfillmentStatus = 'Delivered'> Entregue
<#elseif order.fulfillmentStatus = 'Will not deliver'> Não será entregue
<#elseif order.fulfillmentStatus = 'Returned'> Devolvido
We translated order statuses to Portuguese in this example. Please, translate statuses to your language and alter the translation code.
- order payment statuses.
- Save changes after updating the HTML code in the notification template.
Can I use multiple email addresses for order notifications?
Yes, the store admin can receive order notifications to more than one email address.
- Go to the Store Menu, click Settings, and then click Mail.
- In the Mail Settings area, click Change and add the addresses to the Send notifications to field.
- Submit email addresses separated by a comma.
All admin notifications will be sent to all email addresses in the field.
Can I change the "From" address in admin notifications?
When the store admin receives email notifications, the From field displays as There is no way to change this address.
However, if you want to contact your customers quickly by email, you can reply to these notifications. Each email contains a hidden reply to field where the email address of the customer is set. If you click Reply to this notification, the customer's email address will automatically be used as the recipient email. This allows admins to reply to customers directly from the notification message.
How do I remove the "on behalf of" message that shows for some recipients?
If your recipients use Outlook, Hotmail (and other Microsoft webmail services), or Gmail, they may see an indication in the email that it was sent by Postmark on your behalf instead of your "from" name and address. To completely remove the text ‘sent via postmark’ and ‘on behalf of,’ you need to add an SPF record to your sending domain. To add the SPF record for your sending domains, you need to add records of type 'TXT' through your hosting provider, domain registrar, or DNS provider.