PayPal Payflow Link

PayPal Payflow Link is a payment method available to merchants from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and UK. This payment gateway links your website to your merchant account and payment processor. With Payflow, businesses can accept credit card payments directly to their bank.

You will need a merchant or business account to use this service. For more information, see PayPal Payflow.

To set up PayPal Payflow:

  1. Sign up for PayPal Payflow.
  2. Log in to PayPal Manager account.
  3. Select the Service Settings tab.
  4. Select Set Up.
  5. At the bottom of the page, under Security Options, set Enable Secure Token to Yes.
  6. Click Save Changes.
  7. Warning

    Do NOT change any other values on this page or on the Customize page. StoreFront will pass these values on your behalf automatically.

  8. Go to the Store Menu, and click Payment.
  9. Scroll to Other ways to get paid.
  10. Click Choose Payment Processor, and select PayPal Payflow Link.
  11. Type your credentials in the settings popup.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Place a test order to make sure the payment option works correctly.
  14. Once you have verified that your account works, log in to PayPal Manager and click Activate Account.
  15. Go to the Store Menu, click Payment, and scroll to the PayPal Payflow Link section.
  16. Click Account Settings.
  17. Disable the Send transactions to the test server option.